This action in the HHF project is aimed at producing two unique PDF publications authored by our International Alumni (IA).
One brochure, under a working title “Study and thrive at the Medical University of Gdańsk”, is intended to contain our Graduates’ experiences and hints on how to make the most of studying at the MUG and living in Gdańsk and Tricity Metropolitan Area. The key objective of this brochure is to provide the current and prospective future students with true first-hand account of how the Graduates were using their time at the MUG and in Gdańsk for best self-development, both in professional education and in other areas, like personal growth, development of hobbies, involvement in social initiatives, charity, art and culture projects, etc. In the brochure we would like to include texts by 20-40 MUG’s International Graduates, prepared along the following OPTIONAL topics to make the read as interesting for your younger Colleagues as possible:
The other brochure, under a working title “Life after MUG. Graduates’ global experience”, is intended to present our Graduates’ experiences of search for and practice of postgraduate training and work placements with the education obtained at MUG and MUG Diploma in their hands. The key objective of this brochure is to provide the current and prospective future students with the Graduates’ experience of admission to postgraduate training programs, confronting their knowledge and skills obtained at MUG with those of their colleagues from other universities, making their way through licensing examinations and progressing in clinical competence. These Graduates’ accounts are meant to reinforce students’ choice of studies at MUG, enhance their motivation, reduce their uncertainty and help build the image of the MUG as a good starting point for medical careers globally.
The guiding topics are:
Both brochures are meant to contain true but essentially positive message, based on the positive experiences of our Graduates. This means we would like to encourage our International Alumni to contribute to these PDF brochures with what they have found and considered positive about studying at MUG and living in Gdańsk.
Critical remarks and suggestions of change for the better are greatly welcome, but we would like to receive them within the Group and via a specifically-designed IA Satisfaction Questionnaire (Action Q in the HHF Project), which will be prepared and carried out by an external expert poll company, based on guidelines provided by the International Alumni Relations Officer (IARO) upon prior consultations with our Graduates.
We kindly invite and encourage you all to contribute to the two IA-authored brochures, which are designed to help your younger Colleagues make the most of their studies at MUG and be successful in their careers after graduation.
Please submit your contributions at
Deadline for submissions: 29 February, 2020.
Thank you.
The “Hand in Hand into the Future” (HHF) project is financed under the “International Alumni” Program operated by the Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej.