IA Mentoring Visits

We invite our International Alumni (IA) to get involved and share their observations concerning studies at the MUG and their post-graduation experience with the current students of our University.

It is our intention to bring our Graduates closer to the current students to provide them with valuable first-hand information and thus boost the students’ optimism, enthusiasm and motivation.

List of the delivered mentoring events and resources by the International Alumni of the Medical University of Gdańsk:

No. Date Title Mentors Event/Resource type
1. March 5th, 2020; 17:00 “It takes a village to do good science – my journey from Gdansk to the National Institutes of Health” Anna Wolska, MSc, PhD (Graduate from MUG Doctoral Studies) lecture at the University Clinical Centre, Centre for Noninvasive Medicine, Room 221.1
2. Dec. 14th, 2020 “The USMLE Journey” Alexandra Kamieniecki MD (2021 Graduate) and Rita Wyrebek MD, MS (2015 Graduate) PDF publication – account of personal experience with overview of the procedures; this is not an official guide document The USMLE Journey - Medical University of Gdańsk (3.32 MB)
3. Feb. 18th, 2021; 19:00 “From GUMed to Hopkins” Rita Wyrębek MD, MS (2015 Graduate) ZOOM online meeting – account of personal experience of studying at the MUG, USMLE exams, postgraduate training, residency

If you have any questions or suggestions concerning MUG’s IA mentoring events or resources, please contact IARO at iaro@gumed.edu.pl


The “Hand in Hand into the Future” (HHF) project is financed under the “International Alumni” Program operated by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange – Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej.