“Hand in Hand into the Future” International Alumni Conference

The conference was organized on March 10th, 2021. Due to the pandemic it was held online.

The conference was intended to provide the participants with a most complete picture of international alumni relations as a long-term process:
  • with a specific rationale, benefits, and outcomes
  • likely to be successful when including a variety of appropriate actions tailored to the alumni population needs and expectations, as well as to the university’s capacity
  • and approached with suitable resources: dedicated staff, attitude, and technical tools

Various aspects of international alumni relations were presented by four international and five Polish experts. The presentations were followed with Q&A sessions during which the participants’ questions were answered and commented by the speakers.

Detail information about the conference, program, and speakers is available at the conference website:
Hand in Hand into the Future International Alumni Relations Conference March 2021

The conference was attended by a total of 86 people, representing 27 universities and institutions of higher education, mainly from Poland, but also from Czechia, Germany, Hungary, and Sweden.


The “Hand in Hand into the Future” (HHF) project is financed under the “International Alumni” Program operated by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange – Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej.