The Conference will be held at the Medical University of Gdańsk on Monday, April 7th, 2025, from 10:00 to 17:15.
Collection of Conference materials and optional registration of on-site Participants at the Conference venue from 9:00 to 10:00.
Dr Heidi L. Bludau Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA |
Senior Lecturer and Assistant Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Medicine, Health, and Society at Vanderbilt University. She earned her PhD in Anthropology at Indiana University in 2012. From 2012 to 2022, she taught as a Lecturer in Applied Anthropology at Monmouth University. Dr. Bludau’s research program centers on the professional identity of healthcare workers, primarily nurses. The project that served as the basis of her dissertation was an examination of global healthcare migration through the recruitment and migration of Czech nurses; Saudi Arabia was their primary destination site. She used a critical and applied approach to medical anthropology in order to examine the Czech and Saudi national healthcare systems and policies in relation to individual motivations for migration. A key element is the position of healthcare labor recruiters as a node in the migration chain. A large part of her research consisted of an organizational analysis of a Czech recruitment firm in which she was embedded for almost a year. She has published on this topic in Anthropology of Work Review and Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review and more broadly on the topic of healthcare worker migration in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. | |
Dr Artur Brocławski Medizinisches Institut fűr Transkulturelle Kompetenz, Bielefeld, Niemcy |
Managing Director of MITK, specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, senior doctor at Klinik am Rosengarten, graduate of the Medical University of Gdansk (1989) | |
Prof. dr hab. Kasia Czabanowska Care and Public Health Research Institute, Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Niderlandy |
Professor in Public Health Leadership and Workforce Development and the Head of the International Health Department, Maastricht University, the Netherlands. She is a Past President of the Association of the Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), a lead author of the WHO-ASPHER Competency Framework and the Road Map to Professionalizing the Public Health Workforce in the European Region. She is an Honorary Member of the UK Faculty of Public Health. She co-directs Governance and Leadership in European Public Health Master programme, published around 200 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. Sha is an academic Board Member of the Studio Europa at Maastricht University, visiting professor at the Institute of Public Health Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, adjunct professor at the Richard Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indiana University, US. She serves as a WHO expert in public health leadership, public health education and training, workforce development and planning, and public health systems. | |
Dr Katarzyna Dębkowska Head of the Economic Foresight Team, Polish Economic Institute |
Doctor of Economics, graduate of mathematics at the University of Warsaw. She has been working with the Polish Economic Institute since 2018. She has many years of experience in directing and implementing foresight research in socio-economic areas. In analyses of research results, she specialises in the use of multivariate statistical methods. She is the author of numerous scientific publications on business models, corporate bankruptcy, economic and technological foresight. She is an adjunct professor at the Department of Enterprise Sciences at the Faculty of Economics and Finance of the University of Białystok and a lecturer at the Executive Master of Business Administration studies at the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. | |
Dr hab. Alicja Domagała, prof. UJ Department of Health Policy and Management, Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum |
Lecturer and researcher at the Department of Health Policy and Management, Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum. She specialises in labour market and management issues in healthcare. Consultant for many national and international research programmes on human capital in the health sector. Author of numerous scientific publications in the field of medical personnel management, including job satisfaction, training and migration. | |
Dr Łukasz Jankowski Supreme Medical Council of the 9th term of office |
Physician, specialist in nephrology, activist and reformer of the medical self-government, President of the Supreme Medical Council for the ninth term, previously President of the Regional Medical Council in Warsaw (2018-2022). Professionally affiliated with the Department of Transplant Medicine, Nephrology and Internal Medicine in Warsaw. Graduate of postgraduate managerial studies “Management in Healthcare” at the University of Warsaw and the Leadership Academy for Poland, Authority and Organizations program. Lecturer in MBA studies at the Warsaw School of Economics. Organizer of social campaigns (“National Health Crisis” – 2019, “#NIEZAPOMINJ” – 2020, “I am a doctor, I am a human being” – 2021/2022, “Saving a life is not a crime”), drawing attention primarily to systemic deficiencies in health care, most recently mainly to the continued lack of a viable no-fault system in Poland and changes in the law adversely affecting the safety of treatment. The voice of the younger generation of doctors and dentists, an ambassador of modern changes and an enthusiast of innovation in medicine. His motto in the profession and the local government is “We listen. We engage. We act effectively.” With his support, the NIL IN project was established – the Network of Physician Innovators, who want to change medicine for the better with modern solutions. Repeated winner of the plebiscite , “List of 100 most influential people in the health care system in Poland”, ranked according to Wprost weekly on the 30th place of the most influential people in Poland. | |
Prof. dr hab. Rafał Krenke Medical University of Warsaw |
Rector | |
Prof. dr hab. Marcin Moniuszko Medical University of Białystok |
Rector of the Medical University of Białystok. Physician, specialist in internal diseases and allergology. Head of the Department of Allergology and Internal Medicine. In 2012 he created the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Immunoregulation at the UMB, and since 2023 he has been co-directing the work of the UMB Centre for Regenerative Medicine. After graduation, he completed numerous scientific internships abroad, including the National Cancer Institute, NIH (Bethesda, USA) for 3 years, and was a scholarship holder of the Polityka Weekly Foundation and the Start programme of the Foundation for Polish Science. He has investigated the role of immune system disorders in the pathogenesis of cancer, allergic, autoimmune, metabolic and other diseases, and has co-investigated a number of studies on novel immunological and hormonal factors affecting the mobilisation and proliferation of stem cells, cancer cells and immune cells. He has co-authored numerous scientific papers describing the role of genomic and metabolomic profile changes in the pathogenesis, course and response to treatment of a number of diseases of civilisation. He conducts educational activities on the links between asthma and allergy and viral respiratory infections and between asthma and obesity. He is making efforts to raise awareness among patients of the early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of asthma and allergy and the impact of these diseases on patients’ immune compromise. Professor Moniuszko is also involved in the issue of secure and privacy-preserving use of patient metadata of Polish clinical hospitals, inter alia for the creation and development of Polish methods of artificial intelligence. He is interested in the popularisation of science and medicine, history, baroque and jazz music, landscape photography, especially ‘Podlasie’: and promoting the history and culture of the region. | |
Dr Henryka Mościcka-Dendys Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Poland |
Undersecretary of State | |
Dr Andrzej Tytuła Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives |
Vice President | |
Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Załuska Medical University of Lublin |
Rector, Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of University Medical Schools |
The project “International medical graduates on the Polish labour market” is financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.