No. |
Time ddddddddddd |
Title and topics |
Invited Speakers and Panelists |
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09:00 – 10:00 |
Registration of on-site Participants |
Conference Team |
1. |
10:00 – 10:20 |
Part 1 – Welcome notes and introduction |
- Minister of Science and Higher Education
- Prof. Wojciech Załuska, Rector of the Medical University of Lublin, Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of University Medical Schools (KRAUM)
- Prof. Michał Markuszewski, Rector of the Medical University of Gdańsk (MUG / GUMed)
2. |
10:20 – 11:30 |
Part 2 – Healthcare workforce employment and migration – global and European perspectives
- Migrations of healthcare workforce in Europe and globally – statistics, causes and consequences
- Impact of healthcare workforce migration on public health – source countries, destination countries
- A medical professional from abroad – education & training vs. employment, European perspective
- Dr Heidi L. Bludau, Department of Medicine, Health, and Society, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA (online)
- Prof. Katarzyna Czabanowska, Care and Public Health Research Institute, Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
- Dr Artur Brocławski, Medizinisches Institut für transkulturelle Kompetenz, Bielefeld, Germany (online)
- Moderator
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11:30 – 12:00 |
3. |
12:00 – 12:45 |
Part 3 – Current situation on the healthcare labour market in Poland – deficits, migrations, employment of medical personnel from abroad
- Health care personnel in Poland – demand, education, migration, deficits
- Main causes and directions of emigration of Polish medics
- Main causes and sources of immigration of foreign medics to Poland
- Trends and forecasts of employment in health care in Poland
- Dr Katarzyna Dębkowska, Head of the Economic Foresight Team, Polish Economic Institute
- Dr hab. Alicja Domagała, prof. UJ; Department of Healthcare Policies and Management, Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Collegium Medicum
- Dr Łukasz Jankowski, Chairman of the Supreme Medical Council of the 9th term
- Dr Andrzej Tytuła, Vice-Chairman of the Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives
- Moderator
4. |
12:50 – 13:35 |
Part 4 – Rectors’ panel: Aspects of education and training of international students at healthcare study programmes – benefits, challenges, problems
- Whom do we educate? – countries of origin, fields of study of our international healthcare students
- Benefits for universities and academic communities
- Challenges of professional education in patient contact
- Who do we educate for? – where do our foreign graduates work (home country / Poland / other country)
- Prof. Wojciech Załuska, Rector of the Medical University of Lublin, Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of University Medical Schools (KRAUM)
- Prof. Rafał Krenke, Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw
- Prof. Marcin Moniuszko, Rector of the Medical University of Białystok
- Rectors of some other Polish medical universities associated in the KRAUM
5. |
13:35 – 13:50 |
Part 5 – Presentation of the report of the International Healthcare Student Survey – a survey among the international students of healthcare study programmes in Poland
- Where are your from?
- What was your motivation to come and study in Poland?
- Where are you going to practice after graduation and why?
Representative of the Medical University of Gdańsk |
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13:50 – 14:35 |
6. |
14:35 – 15:20 |
Part 6 – Healthcare Graduates’ panel: Poland? Yes and No. Why?
- Me and Poland
- Me and my studies in Poland
- My future career in Poland. Why so? Why not?
International Graduates from healthcare study programmes |
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15:20 – 15:35 |
7. |
15:35 – 16:20 |
Part 7 – Ministers’ panel: Employment of foreigners in healthcare professions – visions and principles at the time of rapid changes and increasing instability.
- What role should/could immigration of healthcare personnel play in meeting the health needs of the Polish society?
- Training standards and licensing procedures for foreign healthcare personnel and health security
- Immigration of medical personnel and security of patient data and public safety
- Medical professions as preferred professions for foreigners interested in migrating to Poland?
- Dr Henryka Mościcka-Dendys, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Representatives of:
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Science and Higher Education
- Ministry of the Interior and Administration
- Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy
8. |
16:20 – 17:00 |
Part 8 – Discussion and closing speeches |
- Minister of Science and Higher Education
- Prof. Wojciech Załuska, Rector of the Medical University of Lublin, Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of University Medical Schools (KRAUM)
- Prof. Michał Markuszewski, Rector of the Medical University of Gdańsk
- Moderator