StartStay connectedIA Memory Corner

IA Memory Corner

Dear Colleagues,

Let’s build a collection of memories from the period of studies at the Medical University of Gdańsk. Funny or challenging moments, inspiring encounters, turning points, memories of involvement in the student scientific circles, student parliament, student sport teams or hike and tourism groups. Memories of classes, teachers, interesting student-patient interactions and anything you remember and consider worth sharing.

Your history is part of the history of the MUG, part of the identity of our common nest.

Looking forward to your memories, both text and illustrative photos.

Your IARO,
Jacek Kaczmarek


The “Hand in Hand into the Future” (HHF) project is financed under the “International Alumni” Program operated by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange – Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej.